To assure you and your property are safe – we offer a FREE Home Security Check with any locksmith service.
AbbaLocksmith wants you to be safe and secure and we do a thorough home security check. We utilize Covid Safety Practices at all times.
The AbbaLocksmith FREE Home Security Check Inspects:
- Doors
- Windows- check quick release mechanism.
- Sliding glass doors
- Garage doors
- Dead bolts
- Lever locks
- Door locks
- Test the ring doorbells and cameras.
INSIDE (optional)
- Inspect safety locks and latches on cabinets (childproofing)
- Inspect Safety gates on the top and bottom of stairs
The AbbaLocksmith Security Check also checks if your locks are pick-resistant. We will also check out the safety for the handicapped and elderly residents.
Our locksmiths will help you determine if your locks should be rekeyed.
All AbbaLockSmith Technicians are bonded and insured and Covid-Safety Trained.
Call 858-455-9922 now.
Text or email for an Appointment.